Official Smash Ultimate Tier List 2nd 2024: Characters ranked best to worst

Official Smash Ultimate Tier List 2nd 2024

This is the second annual Official Smash Ultimate Tier List. In addition to the first list of tiers from earlier in the year the second list reflects the latest innovations that are made in Super Smash Bros. Look at the process, analysis, and complete listing of panelists below the list.

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  • S+
    • Steve
    • Sonic
  • S
    • Mr. Game & Watch
    • Snake
    • Pyra & Mythra
    • R.O.B.
  • S-
    • Peach
    • Daisy
    • Fox
    • Diddy Kong
    • Joker

A Tier:

  • A+
    • Kazuya
    • Min Min
    • Cloud
    • Yoshi
  • A:
    • Samus
    • Dark Samus
    • Palutena
    • Pikachu
    • Sora
    • Roy
    • Wario
    • Wolf
    • Mario
    • Pac-Man
  • A-
    • Pokemon Trainer
    • Shulk
    • Bayonetta
    • Corrin
    • Lucina
    • Terry
    • Zero Suit Samus

B Tier:

  • B+
    • Sheik
    • Ryu
    • Olimar
    • Greninja
    • Falco
    • Mii Brawler
    • Sephiroth
    • Young Link
    • Luigi
  • B-
    • Captain Falcon
    • Pit
    • Dark Pit
    • Byleth
    • Rosalina & Luma
    • Hero
    • Ken
    • Toon Link
    • Ness
    • Mega Man
    • Inkling
    • Meta Knight

C Tier:

  • C+
    • Ice Climbers
    • Incineroar
    • Pichu
    • Chrom
    • Marth
    • Link
    • Lucario
    • Mii Gunner
    • Bowser
    • Jigglypuff
  • C-
    • Lucas
    • Banjo & Kazooie
    • Wii Fit Trainer
    • Ridley
    • Duck Hunt

D Tier:

  • D+
    • Mewtwo
    • Robin
    • Donkey Kong
    • Isabelle
  • D-
    • Bowser Jr.
    • Ike
    • Villager
    • Zelda
    • Simon
    • Richter
    • Kirby
    • Mii Swordfighter
    • Piranha Plant
    • Dr. Mario

E Tier:

  • E+
    • King Dedede
    • King K. Rool
    • Little Mac
  • E-
    • Ganondorf

Methodology of Official Smash Ultimate Tier List 2nd 2024

The methodology was mostly the same as the 2023 tier list. Anyone who was in the top 150 or the honorable mentions from LumiRank 2023 Mid-Year, or LumiRank 2023 Full-Year was eligible to participate on the list of tiers. The responses were from 63 panelists from in beginning of 2024 through February 1st, 2024. The ballot for Tweek was based on an official tier list made available during the period

Two ballots were disqualified because they scored less than 5 characters. Likewise, the other was disqualified because it was a troll answer. Panelists were asked to rank the characters they formed opinions on between 1 and 10 as the highest and 1 being the least

They also had to bring the order of their top five characters in the game. The panelists scored 95 percent at least three-quarters of the players, with 80 percent of the panelists scoring every character from the game. Bayonetta Fox, Palutena, Peach/Daisy Pyra Mythra R.O.B., Shulk, Steve, and Wolf were all evaluated by the panelists

The character once again Mii Swordfighter was assessed by the smallest number of panelists and only 55 of them scored the characters. The panelists’ responses were normalized and their top 5 scores were 10.x (e.g. the #1 score was 10.5, their #1 was scored as 10.5 and their number 5 was recorded as 10.1). 

The top and bottom 3 responses of each character were eliminated while the other results were then weighted based on the region adequate to how each region was represented in LumiRank 2023 to prevent responses with lower or higher rates across different regions from skewing the rankings. Tier groupings and tiers were later determined by K-Means Clustering.

Methodology of Official Smash Ultimate Tier List 2nd 2024

Analysis For Official Smash Ultimate Tier List

  • Steve was again the most popular persona and had 46 panelists (75 percent) placing the character in the position. Again, Europe was the only place that did not put Steve as the number one character with him ranked 3rd, placing Sonic in the top spot. Sonic wasn’t the sole person that had several panelists placing them at the top and 9 panelists (15 percent) placing him in the top spot.
  • The panelists with a slight majority (34 which is 56 percent) included Sonic in the 2nd position. There was no other character that had the majority of panelists placing Sonic in the top 5 positions. among the top 5.
  • In the case of 59 panelists considering Ganondorf 55 panelists scored Ganondorf the lowest rating they ever gave to anyone. 16 giving each other character that they assessed a greater score. To put it in perspective, just 25 of the panelists awarded Little Mac the lowest score they could give anyone. Likewise, none of the panelists awarded every individual other than Little Mac a higher score.
  • Latin America was once again the sole region that placed Little Mac higher than the number 81, which placed King Dedede just below him.
  • The five characters that had the most standard deviations were Steve (0.450), Sonic (0.611), Snake (0.733), Terry (0.779), and Pokemon Trainer (0.801). Five characters that had the most standard deviations were Mii Swordfighter (1.798), Mega Man (1.640), Piranha Plant (1.610) King Dedede (1.585) as well as Ice Climbers (1.584).
  • Palutena was the top-ranked person to not have panelists put them in the top five.
  • Incineroar was the least ranked character that had a panelist rank them as a top five, and Pikachu was the least ranked character with several panelists ranking them.
  • Bayonetta, Mr. Game & Watch, Corrin, Lucario, Sora, Incineroar, Snake, Pit/Dark Pit, and Samus/Dark Samus All of them rose to at least 10 positions from the tier lists of last year and Chrom, Ken, Roy, Mega Man, Byleth, Sephiroth, and Wolf were down by a minimum of 10 places.
  • Jigglypuff Was the one person who did not appear on the list despite their score increasing. On the other hand, Pichu, Palutena, Mii Brawler King Dedede, Bowser Jr., Ryu, Donkey Kong as well as Ice Climbers rose on the list, despite having their scores drop as well, with Ice Climbers going up 5 places.
Analysis For Official Smash Ultimate Tier List

Regional Differences in Official Smash Ultimate Tier List

The same can be said for different regions. often had wildly different opinions about various characters. Some of the most noticeable differences are like this:

The US as well as Canada had high levels of Mega Man (+17) and Ness (+12) while they were not so high on Yoshi (-12).

Latin America was high on Mega Man (+21), Kirby (+15), Sheik (+14), Pikachu (+13), Marth (+13), Ness (+10), and Mii Gunner (+10) Also, it was in the middle on Dark Samus (-15) and Ice Climbers (-15), Shulk (-14), Captain Falcon (-13), Falco (-11) as well as Banjo and Kazooie (-10).

Europe had much fun with Mii Brawler (+13), Pichu (+13), Piranha Plant (+13), Donkey Kong (+12), Pac-Man (+10), Toon Link (+10), Ridley (+10), and Zelda (+10) Zelda (+10), as well as had a low score in Captain Falcon (-25), Kazuya (-18), Lucario (-18) as well as Ice Climbers (-10) and Robin (-10).

Japan had a high percentage of Captain Falcon (+17), Isabelle (+14), Falco (+13), Toon Link (+13) as well as Banjo & Kazooie (+11) However, they had a low score in Lucina (-12), Mega Man (-11), Pikachu (-10) and Mii Brawler (-10)

Regional Differences in Official Smash Ultimate Tier List


US & Canada:

  • AC
  • Anathema
  • ApolloKage
  • Armadillo
  • BassMage
  • BeastModePaul
  • Chronos
  • Dabuz
  • DDee
  • Epic_Gabriel
  • Geist
  • H4
  • IcyMist
  • Ikan
  • JDV
  • Kiyarash
  • Kola
  • Lima
  • Ling
  • MuteAce
  • Onin
  • Peabnut
  • Rivers
  • Scend
  • Tilde
  • Tweek
  • WebbJP
  • Zomba

Latin America:

  • EKing
  • MKBigBoss
  • MkLeo
  • ShinyMark
  • WaKa


  • Crepe salee
  • Flow
  • Luugi
  • Mezcaul
  • NaetorU
  • OwlBBs
  • Space
  • Supahsemmie
  • Tarik


  • Eik
  • Carmelo
  • Futari no Kiwami Ah~!
  • Gorioka
  • Harasen
  • Hero
  • Jagabata
  • Luminous
  • Metara
  • Raki
  • Rarukun
  • Ryuoh
  • Senra
  • Sin
  • Suinoko
  • Tsubaki
  • Tsuna
  • Yamanaction
  • Yoko

Video Tutorial on Official Smash Ultimate Tier List

Official Smash Ultimate Tier List

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