Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List March 2025: Ranking of Best Stars

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

If you are looking for star ranking. Check out this Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List is your definitive guide for navigating the maze of star ranking within this exciting game. This carefully curated list of all levels, from 5-star superheroes to 2-star champions.

If you want to know the ranking of top characters in games like The Project Slayers Clan, Clover Retribution Tier List, Watcher of Realms Tier List, and many more on the Game Tier List.

5 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List
Black PantherCivil War
WaspHope Van Dyne
ThanosThe Mad Titan
HawkeyeClint Barton
Jean GreyPhoenix
Black BoltInhuman King
DaredevilMatt Murdock
Green GoblinNorman Osborn
Captain AmericaFirst Avenger
LokiGod of Mischief
OkoyeWarrior General
Spider-ManPeter Parker
Captain AmericaFrom the Infinity War
Iron ManMark XLVI
WolverineOld Man Logan
5 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

4 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List
Black PantherKing of Wakanda
Jean GreyAll the New X-Men
Ghost RiderThe Johnny Blaze
CarnageCletus Kasady
Captain MarvelCarol Danvers
DeadpoolUncanny X-Force
DraxThe Destroyer
Kate BishopThe Hawkeye
Invisible WomanThe Classic
GwenpoolThe Gwen Poole
WaspThe Janet Van Dyne
Invisible WomanThe Classic
JubileeUncanny X-Men
X-23New Wolverine
Iron FistThe Danny Rand
The HulkTotally Awesome
Iron ManHulkbuster
KingpinWilson Fisk
MedusaInhuman Queen
Luke CagePower Man
Star-LordLegendary Outlaw
WolverineFrom the X-Force
VultureAdrian Toomes
VenomEddie Brock
ThorGoddess of Thunder
The ThingClassic
The PunisherMAX
War MachineThe James Rhodes
Spider-WomanThe Jessica Drew
ShuriMaster Engineer
SandmanFlint Marko
Sam WilsonCaptain America
Red HulkThunderbolt Ross
QuakeDaisy Johnson
Professor XCharles Xavier
NovaSam Alexander
Nick FuryDirector of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Mr. FantasticReed Richards
Moon KnightMarc Spector
4 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

3 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List
Squirrel GirlUnbeatable
VisionAndroid Avenger
ThorThe Modern
The HulkThe Indestructible
The HoodClassic
Star-LordPeter Quill
MystiqueThe Raven Darkholme
SentryDark Avengers
Scarlet WitchWanda Maximoff
Sam WilsonFalcon
Rocket & GrootMost Wanted
The PunisherThe Dark Reign
RagnarokDark Avengers
QuicksilverThe Pietro Maximoff
Iron ManThe Model 40
Luke CageHero For Hire
LokiDark Reign
Kamala KhanThe Ms. Marvel
Iron FistImmortal Weapon
Human TorchClassic
GamoraGuardians Galaxy
Doctor OctopusOtto Octavius
Doctor StrangeStephen the Strange
Doctor DoomClassic
DeadpoolIt’s Me, Deadpool!
DaredevilMan Without Fear
CyclopsUncanny X-Men
Captain MarvelModern
Captain AmericaSuper-Soldier
Black WidowGrey Suit
Black PantherT’Challa
AngelAll-New X-Men
3 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

2 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List
DakenThe Dark Avengers
Spider-ManThe Bag-Man
ThorMarvel the NOW!
StormThe Classic
Black WidowThe Original
WolverineAstonishing the X-Men
MoonstoneDark Avengers
MagnetoMarvel NOW!
Human TorchThe Johnny Storm
HawkeyeThe Modern
Captain MarvelMs. Marvel
AresDark Avengers
2 Stars: Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

Black Panther (Civil War)

Instinctively trained from an early age a young Prince T’Challa was able into the newest Black Panther, protector of the nation of Wakanda. After his father T’Chaka, his father T’Chaka died the T’Challa became King with the wealth of his nation and the abilities of the Black Panther to seek vengeance on his father.

Black Panther (King of Wakanda)

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

In his new role as leader of Wakanda, T’Challa is struggling to bear the loss of his father, T’Chaka yet he’s determined to carry on the great legacy he left behind. If Wakanda encounters two adversaries bent on bringing down and ruining the country, Black Panther must use his new weapon and enhanced force, speed, and senses to protect Wakanda and all around the globe.

Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable)

The mutant power gives an elongated tail, teeth that are super strong, claws and the power to communicate with squirrels Doreen Green is an unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Between her roles as an Avenger and being a student in E.S.U., and a babysitter for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones the Squirrel Girl discovered the right time to take on Terrax, MODOK, Fin Fang Foom, Doctor Doom as well as Thanos!

Daken (Classic)

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

The mutant Daken has a healing factor as well as his enhanced senses, and claws that retract Daken from his father’s son. Saved from the death of his mother’s womb, a murderer of the family he adopted, dependent on Hallucinogenic drugs heat. This fruit has fallen from the trees.

Discover the various tiers of play to uncover the potential of your most loved Marvel characters and let them unleash their full power. No matter how experienced or novice to the game, the Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List can benefit create strong teams and conquer the challenges. make up for the creation of a formidable team to win the most prestigious battle for supremacy!

Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List

In conclusion, the Marvel Puzzle Quest Tier List can be a helpful guide for players trying to know the rank of the characters that play in the game. It categorizes characters into four distinct levels by their ranking in the stars. Keep yourself updated by saving this page on your bookmark. The game tier list updates all of their posts regularly.