Limbus Company tier list March 2025: Guide on how to reroll

Limbus Company tier list and reroll guide March 2025

In this GameTierList article, you will find all the characters that rank in the Limbus Company tier list and the Limbus Company reroll guide for being the best Executive Manager for Limbus Company.

regarding those IDs, we will consider what would you depict as the essence of such IDs.

Limbus Company tier list Blunt Identities

Limbus Company tier list Blunt Identities

All characters that are ranked on Limbus company blunt identities are mentioned below:

TierLimbus Company character
S[Lobotomy E.G.O::Regret] Faust
[The One Who Grips] Faust
[Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Hong Lu
[K Corp. Class 3 Excision Staff] Hong Lu
[Liu Assoc. South Section 4] Ishmael
[R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer] Ishmael
[The Middle Little Sister] Don Quixote
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Magic Bullet] Outis
[Wuthering Heights Chief Butler] Outis
[Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Rodion
[Liu Assoc. South Section 4 Director] Rodion
[Seven Association South Section 6] Ryoshu
[The One Who Shall Grip] Sinclair
[Effloresced E.G.O::Spicebush] Yi Sang
A[Wuthering Heights Butler] Faust
[LCCB Assistant Manager] Ishmael
[R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault
[W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Faust
[Kurokumo Clan Captain] Gregor
[G Corp. Head Manager] Outis
[Molar Office Fixer] Outis
[Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director] Outis
[Rosespanner Workshop Rep.] Rodion
B[Liu Assoc. South Section 6] Gregor
[LCB Sinner] Heathcliff
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower] Heathcliff
[N Corp. Kleinhammer] Heathcliff
[LCB Sinner] Hong Lu
[Liu Association South Section 5] Hong Lu
[Liu Association South Section 6] Meursault
[N Corp. Groẞhammer] Meursault
[Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Meursault
[The Middle Little Brother] Meursault
[LCCB Assistant Manager] Ryoshu
[Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Yi Sang
[Molar Office Fixer] Yi Sang
[N Corp. Mittelhammer] Don Quixote
[Seven Association South Section 6] Yi Sang
C[LCB Sinner] Ishmael
[Dead Rabbits Boss] Meursault
[Molar Boatworks Fixer] Sinclair
[LCB Sinner] Faust
[R.B. Sous-chef] Gregor
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Sloshing] Ishmael
[LCB Sinner] Meursault
[Zwei Assoc. South Section 5] Rodion
[Los Mariachis Jefe] Sinclair
[Zwei Association South Section 6] Sinclair
Limbus Company tier list Blunt Identities

Limbus Company tier list Pierce Identities

Limbus Company tier list Pierce Identities

All characters that are ranked on Limbus company Pierce Identities are mentioned below:

TierLimbus Company character
S[Twinhook Pirates First Mate] Gregor
[R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit] Heathcliff
[Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Ryoshu
[R.B. Chef de Cuisine] Ryoshu
[Cinq South Section 4 Director] Sinclair
[Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Heathcliff
[The Pequod Harpooner] Heathcliff
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Don Quixote
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Lantern] Don Quixote
[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Don Quixote
[The One Who Grips] Faust
[Tingtang Gang Gangleader] Hong Lu
[Molar Boatworks Fixer] Ishmael
[The Pequod Captain] Ishmael
[Cinq South Section 4] Outis
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Magic Bullet] Outis
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet] Sinclair
[Effloresced E.G.O::Spicebush] Yi Sang
[Lobotomy Corp. Remnant] Faust
[W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Hong Lu
[Molar Office Fixer] Yi Sang
[Seven Association South Section 6] Yi Sang
[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Yi Sang
A[Liu Association South Section 6] Meursault
[G Corp. Head Manager] Outis, [LCB Sinner] Outi
[Liu Assoc. South Section 4 Director] Rodion
[Zwei Association South Section 4] Faust
[Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Gregor
[Öufi Assoc. South Section 3] Heathcliff
[Hook Office Fixer] Hong Lu
[Cinq Association South Section 5 Director] Don Quixote
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Faust
[Rosespanner Workshop Rep.] Rodion
[Shi Association South Section 5] Ishmael
[N Corp. Groẞhammer] Meursault
[Liu Assoc. South Section 4] Ryoshu
[Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Yi Sang
[The Pequod First Mate] Yi Sang
B[N Corp. Mittelhammer] Don Quixote
[N Corp. Kleinhammer] Heathcliff
[G Corp. Manager Corporal] Gregor
[Molar Boatworks Fixer] Sinclair
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower] Heathcliff
[N Corp. Mittelhammer] Rodion
[LCCB Assistant Manager] Ryoshu
C[LCB Sinner] Faust, [LCB Sinner] Gregor
[Shi Association South Section 5] Heathcliff
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Outis
[LCB Sinner] Don Quixote
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Sinclair
D[LCB Sinner] Yi Sang
Limbus Company tier list Pierce Identities

Limbus Company tier list Slash Identities

Limbus Company tier list Slash Identities

All characters that are ranked on Limbus company Slash Identities are mentioned below:

TierLimbus Company character
S[Lobotomy E.G.O::Lantern] Don Quixote
[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Don Quixote
[Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Faust
[Edgar Family Heir] Gregor
[Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Hong Lu
[K Corp. Class 3 Excision Staff] Hong Lu
[Tingtang Gang Gangleader] Hong Lu
[Blade Lineage Mentor] Meursault
[Edgar Family Chief Butler] Ryoshu
[Seven Association South Section 6] Ryoshu
[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Ryoshu
[Dawn Office Fixer] Sinclair
[W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Yi Sang
A[Blade Lineage Salsu] Don Quixote
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Faust
[Lobotomy Corp. Remnant] Faust
[Wuthering Heights Butler] Faust
[Zwei Association South Section 4] Gregor
[Öufi Assoc. South Section 3] Heathcliff
[Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Heathcliff
[Edgar Family Butler] Ishmael
[Shi Association South Section 5] Ishmael
[R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault
[Molar Office Fixer] Outis
[Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director] Outis
[R.B. Chef de Cuisine] Ryoshu
[Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet] Sinclair
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Yi Sang
B[Shi Association South Section 5 Director] Don Quixote
[Zwei Association South Section 4] Faust
[Kurokumo Clan Captain] Gregor
[Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Gregor
[Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Hong Lu
[LCB Sinner] Hong Lu
[W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Hong Lu
[W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Meursault
[Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Rodion
[Liu Assoc. South Section 4] Ryoshu
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Sinclair
C[G Corp. Manager Corporal] Gregor
[Shi Association South Section 5] Heathcliff
[LCB Sinner] Outis
[LCB Sinner] Ryoshu
[LCB Sinner] Sinclair
D[LCB Sinner] Gregor
[R.B. Sous-chef] Gregor
[Blade Lineage Salsu] Outis
[LCB Sinner] Rodion
[LCB Sinner] Yi Sang
Limbus Company tier list Slash Identities

Limbus Company tier list E.G.O Identities

Limbus Company tier list E.G.O Identities

All characters that are ranked on Limbus company E.G.O Identities are mentioned below:

TierLimbus Company Ego
SDon Quixote [Telepole]
Faust [Fluid Sac]
Gregor [Legerdemain]
Ishmael [Ardor Blossom Star]
Meursault [Pursuance]
Outis [Ebony Stem]
Ryoshu [4th Match Flame]
ADon Quixote [Fluid Sac]
Faust [Hex Nail], Faust [Representation Emitter]
Faust [Telepole], Gregor [Lantern], Heathcliff [AEDD]
Heathcliff [Bodysack], Heathcliff [Telepole]
Hong Lu [Dimension Shredder]
Hong Lu [Land of Illusion]
Hong Lu [Roseate Desire]
Ishmael [Capote]
Ishmael [Roseate Desire]
Meursault [Capote]
Meursault [Chain of Others]
Outis [To Pathos Mathos]
Outis [Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam]
Rodion [4th Match Flame]
Rodion [Rime Shank]
Ryoshu [Forest for the Flames]
Sinclair [Impending Day]
Yi Sang [4th Match Flame]
Yi Sang [Crow’s Eye View]
Yi Sang [Dimension Shredder]
Yi Sang [Sunshower]
Yi Sang [Wishing Cairn]
BDon Quixote [La Sangre de Sancho]
Don Quixote [Lifetime Stew]
Gregor [AEDD]
Gregor [Suddenly, One Day]
Ishmael [Snagharpoon]
Meursault [You Want To Get Beat?]
Outis [Sunshower]
Rodion [What is Cast], Ryoshu [Red Eyes]
Ryoshu [Red Eyes (Open)]
Sinclair [Branch of Knowledge]
Sinclair [Lifetime Stew]
CHong Lu [Soda]
Meursault [Regret]
Ryoshu [Soda], Sinclair [Lantern]
Limbus Company tier list E.G.O Identities

Limbus Company Identities and Tier List Criteria

Limbus Company Identities and Tier List Criteria

The Identities are mostly balanced and a number of them – you can stack together – this Tier List isn’t aimed at pointing out the top Identities which are significantly Superior (or Inferior) to others.

  • Ratings are based on synergy and generally assign a rating to BASE E. G. O. ONLY.
  • These E.G.O. synergies are referred to in the reviews and do not have anything to do with positioning on the tier list.
  • The given figure as noted earlier is evaluated based on Tier 4 Identities. If any ID needs uptie 4 to perform, please reference the tags in the tier list or our guide “Uptie 4 Priority.
  • Grouping of identities within a tier follows the alphabetical order of the identity names.
  • You can still give comments and feedback to us if you want to, we’re available in our Discord.

Criteria of Limbus Company Tier List

  • Damage Dealer: A group that gives a rank of IDs that specialize in the sole objective of damage. If a boss tool even possesses any sort of status effect, supportive buff, or debuffs, they’re typically not the primary focuses; mainly just additions to the kit.
  • Status Specialist: IDS-focused main group that mainly concentrates on status effect support which makes the position stronger, easier to stack or simply use more efficiently.
  • Tank / Support: A type of ID whose main function is to tank for the group, receive damage for the group, and a selection of IDs that attack the enemies with support abilities instead of attacking, or are direct support IDs that can buff allies or debuff enemies instead of dealing damage or applying status effects.

How To reroll in Limbus Company?

How To reroll in Limbus Company?

Rerolling in Limbus Company on mobile is pretty easy compared to most gacha games out there, just follow these simple steps:

  • Sign in to Limbus Company for the first time and click on the “Play as a guest” option.
  • Select this down pack and press the skip button which is located on the upper right side of the screen
  • This link briefly explains how to do that: Open the in-game mail in the menu and take the pre-registration rewards.
  • To do this, go to the ‘Extract’ tab and use the handles to drag the Welcome Extract, Gregor, and Standard Extract banners up.
  • If you want to try again, go to settings and click ‘Account’ and then ‘Close Account’ and you’ll be able to begin again.

More Latest Tier Lists

That was the updated Limbus company Tier List. For more updates keep visiting GameTierLIst, we regularly update the Limbus Company tier list as we get any new polling from Top players around the world.

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